Hearing Test Services in Cork and Kerry regions
We offer a full range of Hearing Test Services in Cork and Kerry from young children to the elderly and everyone in between.
Hearing loss occurs to most people as they age but it can also be a result of exposure to loud noise, medications, infections, head or ear trauma, congenital or hereditary factors and some disease processes. The vast majority of problems do not require medical or surgical intervention. Some 90 to 95% of all cases of hearing loss can be corrected with hearing aid.
If you suspect you have a hearing problem and feel you need Hearing Test Services in Cork and Kerry, phone to make an appointment for a test.
Hearing loss can occur at any age and for many reasons. In adults, however, one of the most common periods for hearing loss to become most noticeable is between the ages of 50 and 55 years. A simple hearing test can determine if you have a hearing problem or not, so the first step is to make an appointment for a hearing test. If your hearing test results are found to be within normal limits, no further action will be necessary.
Below is the full list of Hearing Test Services in Cork and Kerry provided in our Bantry and Kenmare clinics;
- Hearing Testing of Adults
- Hearing Testing of Children
- Hearing Aids
- Middle Ear Function Tests
- Pre-Employment Testing
- Custom Made Hearing Moulds
Go to our services page for more detail.